Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering is offering technology oriented courses and creating manpower in the strategic areas well compatible with the industrial expectations. The main vision of the department is to mould tomorrow’s technocrats by imbibing the essence of human values for innovation and creativity in science and technology towards building a peaceful self-sustaining Nation.
The discipline deals with electronic devices ,communication and software interfaces. The applications are far reaching, right from the indoors of the house to industries. The discipline integrates knowledge based on digital electronics and logic design, fundamentals of communication engineering, electronic circuits, signals and systems, power electronics, applied electromagnetic theory, integrated circuits, VLSI, control systems and computer architecture. The Department has full- fledged laboratories to train the students from the very basics to modern trends in the field of Electronics and Communication. Students utilize the modern lab equipments to carry out design and testing of various projects.
This branch offers plethora of job opportunities for the engineers. They are mostly employed by electronic and communication industry. The other industries which offer placement to the students include IT, consumer electronics, power transmission companies, computer applications, aviation, telecommunication, electronic media and manufacturing companies.
This Department currently runs a Bachelors programme (final Year) and two Diploma Programs (Diploma in Robotic Process Animation and Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering) with an intake of 60 students per academic year to cater to the ever challenging needs of technical excellence in specialised avenues of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
ECLIPSE , the ECE Association was formed in 2014, with the aim of promoting the interests of students in various technical areas pertaining to electronic engineering. The main aim of the association is to learn and know beyond the curriculum. In pursuit of this aim, we have planned numerous activities as part of our association.
The Association has conducted exhibitions, seminars and workshops on current and trending topics. The association has been highly successful in bringing together young potentials to come up with their ideas and has been provided as a garden for their nourishment. We provide ample programs and activities with the aim of injecting the real purpose of engineering and to promote the interaction between academia and industry. It provides a platform for interaction between faculty and the students and especially the seniors and the juniors of the department.
ECLIPSE is a trusted voice of engineering, computing and technological information. We inspire a greater number of young generations, the real purpose of engineering.

Sheeja Vincent

Sreedevi M G

Seena R

Radhika Krishnan

Revathy Nath H A

Bibu Thomas

Shafeena S

Fathima Beevi M

Govind M

Anu Chandran

Unnikrishnan C P
This Lab gives basic introduction of electronics hardware systems and students can identify the active and passive electronic components. This lab provides hands on training with familiarization, identification, testing, assembling, dismantling, fabrication and repairing such systems by making use of the various tools and instruments available in the Electronics Workshop.
The electronics circuits laboratory has all necessary facilities for conducting experiments of basic electronics by the students with different training kits and general purpose equipment's and measurement setups. The circuits laboratory has facilities for design, bread-board implementation and performance measurement of circuit applications using commercially available operational amplifiers and linear / analog ICs. The design problems and the requisite facilities available in the lab enhance hardware design skills of students.
This lab familiarize the students have to simulate the electronics/digital circuits, signals and systems using the softwares which are available for modern design methodologies for the rapid design and verification of complex electronic systems. This lab equips the students to design systems which include hardware and software components.
Digital Electronics Laboratory is fully equipped with the required instruments such as C.R.O., Multimeters, Signal Generator, Digital Trainer kits etc. to conduct experiments with digital ICs for students. This lab helps to design and implement sequential and combinational circuits. The basic idea of Digital electronics is mandatory for microprocessor & micro controller and also for computer architecture.
Digital Signal processing (DSP) lab caters to the requirements of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in Electronics and Communication engineering. They offer students powerful techniques and tools to apply, synthesize, design, simulate and implement state-of-the-art solutions to modern engineering problems. Experimental activities cover fundamental concepts of digital signal processing such as sampling and aliasing, quantization, digital filter design and implementation. The lab provides hands-on experience in a way that integrates theory, software, hardware and applications. The lab is equipped with DSP trainer kits and SeiLab Software with all major toolboxes.
Communication Engineering laboratory focuses on training the students in both analog and digital transmission/reception of signal. The students here start in the analog area by constructing the circuits of amplitude modulation, frequency modulation and phase modulation. The students are enlighted yet in another area is audio systems, widely used to address the public. The students also perform the PAM and PWM experiments. In addition to all the above, the lab consists of the fiber optic trainer, analog signal sampling kit, TDM trainer and microwave test benches.
The Microwave and optics lab emphasizes the electromagnetic and optical applications in communication engineering. The lab is equipped with X band Microwave benches, Antennas, Signal generators like Klystron and Gunn diodes. The lab is also equipped with optical devices. The necessary Electromagnetic simulation tools are also available for practical and projects. Communication lab provides a platform for students and research scholars to explore on the various design tools and hardware kits for the design and analysis of Communication systems.
In this lab the students will be able to understand the Software Architectures for Embedded Systems and also the issues related to Programming, Run-time Environment and Memory management in Embedded Systems. This lab consists of microcontroller kits and Arm 7 Development kits.